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Custom scalar types

Apollo supports custom scalar types for scalar types that are not builtin in the GraphQL type system such as Long, Date, BigDecimalAdapter or GeoPoint

You first need to define the mapping in your build.gradle file. This maps from the GraphQL type to the class to use in code.

apollo {
  customScalarsMapping = [
    "GeoPoint" : "com.example.GeoPoint"

Define your adapter

Writing an adapter is very similar to writing a Json adapter.

class GeoPoint(val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double)

val geoPointAdapter = object : Adapter<GeoPoint> {
  override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters): GeoPoint {
    var latitude: Double? = null
    var longitude: Double? = null
    while(reader.hasNext()) {
      when (reader.nextName()) {
        "latitude" -> latitude = reader.nextDouble()
        "longitude" -> longitude = reader.nextDouble()

    // fromJson can throw on unexpected data and the exception will be wrapped in a
    // ApolloParseException
    return GeoPoint(latitude!!, longitude!!)

  // If you do not expect your scalar to be used as input, you can leave this method as TODO()
  override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters, value: GeoPoint) {

If you prefer working with Maps, Apollo Android comes with AnyAdapter that supports adapting Strings, Int, Double, Boolean, Lists and Maps. You can use it in an intermediate step:

  override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters): GeoPoint {
    val map = AnyAdapter.fromJson(reader) as Map<String, Double>
    return GeoPoint(map["latitude"] as Double, map["longitude"] as Double)

  override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters, value: GeoPoint) {
    val map = mapOf(
        "latitude" to value.latitude,
        "longitude" to value.longitude
    AnyAdapter.toJson(writer, map)

This solution is more concise albeit slightly less performant.

Registering your adapter

Use ApolloClient.withCustomScalarAdapter to register a custom scalar Adapter. It takes a typesafe generated class from Types as input. ()If you can't find Types, build your project to trigger codegen.)

val apolloClient = ApolloClient("https://").withCustomScalarAdapter(Types.GeoPoint, geoPointAdapter)

Apollo Adapters

Apollo comes with builtin adapters for common scalar types in the com.apollographql.apollo3:apollo-adapters artifact. It provides:

  • com.apollographql.apollo3.adapter.InstantAdapter for kotlinx.datetime.Instant ISO8601 dates
  • com.apollographql.apollo3.adapter.LocalDateAdapter for kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate ISO8601 dates
  • com.apollographql.apollo3.adapter.DateAdapter for java.util.Date ISO8601 dates
  • com.apollographql.apollo3.adapter.LongAdapter for java.lang.Long
  • com.apollographql.apollo3.adapter.BigDecimalAdapter for a MPP com.apollographql.apollo3.BigDecimal class holding big decimal values

For an example, to use DateAdapter, configure your Gradle scripts:

dependencies {

apollo {
    "Date" to "com.apollographql.apollo3.adapter.DateAdapter"

And add it to your ApolloClient:

val apolloClient = ApolloClient("https://").withCustomScalarAdapter(Types.Date, DateAdapter())
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