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Migrating to 3.0

Migrate to Apollo Android 3.0

Apollo Android 3.0 is a rewrite of most of the internals of Apollo Android in Kotlin with, amongst other things:

  • Kotlin-first, coroutine-based APIs.
  • A unified runtime for both JVM and multiplatform.

While the concepts stay the same, a lot of APIs have changed to work better in Kotlin. This page presents the important changes and how to migrate from Apollo Android 2.x to Apollo Android 3.x

com.apollographql.apollo3 is the new package name, group id and plugin id

In order to avoid conflicting classes in the classpath and dependencies conflicts, and according to the interoperability policy for major version updates, Apollo Android 3.0 uses a new maven group id and package name: com.apollographql.apollo3

Group id:

The maven group id used to identify the artifacts is now com.apollographql.apollo3

// Replace:

// With:

Package name:

All the classes are now in the com.apollographql.apollo3 package.

// Replace:
import com.apollographql.apollo.ApolloClient

// With:
import com.apollographql.apollo3.ApolloClient

Gradle plugin id:

The gradle plugin id is now com.apollographql.apollo3.

// Replace:
plugins {

// With:
plugins {

Most of the times, these changes can be a made using "search and replace".

Gradle configuration


Apollo Android now generates Kotlin models by default. You can safely remove this:

apollo {
  // remove this

At the time of writing, Java codegen is not working yet but will be added later. Follow for updates.

Target package name

Apollo Android 2.x uses the file path of GraphQL operation and schema files as well as packageName and rootPackageName options to compute the target package name. While this is very flexible, it's not easy to anticipate the final package name that is going to be used.

Apollo Android 3.x uses a flat package name by default using the packageName option:

apollo {

The generated classes will be:

- com.example.SomeQuery
- com.example.fragment.SomeFragment
- com.example.type.SomeInputObject
- com.example.type.SomeEnum
- com.example.type.Types // types is a slimmed down version of the schema

If you need different package names for different operation folders, you can fallback to the 2.x behaviour with:

apollo {

For even more control, you can also define your own PackageNameGenerator:

apollo {

Compilation units are removed

Apollo Android 2.x creates multiple CompilationUnits for different Android variants or different Kotlin source sets. This runs the GraphQL compiler multiple times. For an example on Android, it will generate the models at least twice, once for the debug build and once fot the release build. Most of the times the graphql files are the same and this increases the build time for no reason.

Apollo Android 3.x doesn't have CompilationUnits any more. Each Service is exactly one compilation. For Android projects, the generated classes will be added to all the variants so that they are generated only once.

If you need different operations for different variants, you can create multiple services for each Android variants with:

apollo {
    sourceFolder = "starwars", // will look into src/main/graphql/starwars, src/debug/graphql/starwars, etc
    nameSuffix = "starwars", // will create tasks named generateDebugStarwarsApolloSources, generateReleaseStarwarsApolloSources, etc..
  ) {
    // configure your service here

If you used graphqlSourceDirectorySet to explicitely specify the location of GraphQL files, you can now use srcDir:

apollo {
  // Replace
  graphqlSourceDirectorySet.srcDirs += "shared/graphql"

  // With


Apollo Android 2.x uses the Builder pattern in different places to create new instances.

Apollo Android 3.x leverages Kotlin default parameter and exposes the constructors directly as well as top-level functions.

For an example, for ApolloClient:

// Replace
val apolloClient = ApolloClient.builder()

// With
val apolloClient = ApolloClient(serverUrl = "")

To customize the OkHttpClient:

// Replace
val apolloClient = ApolloClient.builder()

// With
val apolloClient = ApolloClient(
  networkTransport = DefaultHttpNetworkTransport(callFactory = okHttpClient)

Coroutines APIs

Apollo Android 2.x has callback APIs which can become verbose and require explicitely handling cancellation.

Apollo Android 3.x exposes more concise coroutines APIs that handle cancellation automatically through the coroutine scope.

// Replace
// With

// Replace
// With

Normalized cache

Apollo Android 2.x runtime has a depency on the normalized cache APIs and it is possible to call cache methods even if no cache implementation was in the classpath.

Apollo Android 3.x runtime is more modular and doesn't know anything about normalized cache by default. To add normalized cache support, include apollo-normalized-cache in the classpath:

dependencies {
  // Keep for base functionality and memory cache
  // Keep for Sqlite cache
// Replace
val cacheFactory = LruNormalizedCacheFactory(
                     EvictionPolicy.builder().maxSizeBytes(10 * 1024 * 1024).build()

val apolloClient = ApolloClient.builder()

// With
val cacheFactory = MemoryCacheFactory(maxSizeBytes = 10 * 1024 * 1024)
val apolloClient = ApolloClient("https://...")

Configuring the fetch policy is now made on an ApolloRequest instance:

// Replace
val response = apolloClient.query(query)

// With
val request = ApolloRequest(query).withFetchPolicy(CacheFirst)
val response = apolloClient.query(request)

HTTP cache

Similarly, the HTTP cache is configurable through extension functions:

// Replace
val cacheStore = DiskLruHttpCacheStore()
val apolloClient = ApolloClient.builder()

// With
val apolloClient = ApolloClient("https://...")
                      .withHttpCache(File(cacheDir, "apolloCache"), 1024 * 1024)

Configuring the HTTP fetch policy is now made on an ApolloRequest instance:

// Replace
val response = apolloClient.query(query)

// With
val request = ApolloRequest(query).withHttpFetchPolicy(CacheFirst)
val response = apolloClient.query(request)


Apollo Android distinguishes between null and absent values.

Apollo Android 2.x uses Input to represent optional (maybe nullable) values.

Apollo Android 3.x uses Optional instead so that it can be used in other places than input types. For an example, fields could be made optional with an @optional directive. Optional is a sealed class so when statements don't need an else branch.

// Replace
// With

// Replace
// With

// Replace
// With

Non-optional variables by default

Apollo Android 3.x represents operation variables without a default value as non-optional Kotlin constructor parameters by default.

Given the below query:

query GetHero($id: String) {
  hero(id: $id)

Apollo Android generates:

// 2.x
class GetHero(val id: Input<String?> = Input.absent())

// 3.x
class GetHero(val id: String?)

By default the GraphQL spec treats variables of nullable type as optional. It is valid to omit them at runtime. In practice though, this is rarely used and makes the operations declaration verbose.

Apollo Android 3.x removes the Optional wrapper so that it's easier to construct a query having nullable variables.

If omitting a variable is desired, it's possible to opt-in the Optional wrapper with the @optional directive:

query GetHero($id: String @optional) {
  hero(id: $id)

Note: this only applies to variables. Input fields in input objects are still unsing Optional because omitting input fields happens often there.


The CacheKeyResolver API has been updated to work with declarative cache.

  • fromFieldRecordSet is renamed to cacheKeyForObject
  • fromFieldArguments is renamed to cacheKeyForField
  • The CacheKey return value is made nullable and CacheKey.NONE is replaced by null
// Replace
val resolver: CacheKeyResolver = object : CacheKeyResolver() {
  override fun fromFieldRecordSet(field: ResponseField, recordSet: Map<String, Any>): CacheKey {
    return CacheKey.from(recordSet["id"] as String)
  override fun fromFieldArguments(field: ResponseField, variables: Operation.Variables): CacheKey {
    return CacheKey.from(field.resolveArgument("id", variables) as String)

// With
val cacheKeyResolver = object : CacheKeyResolver() {
  override fun cacheKeyForObject(type: CompiledNamedType, obj: Map<String, Any?>): CacheKey? {
    return (obj["id"] as? String)?.let { CacheKey(it) }
  override fun cacheKeyForField(field: CompiledField, variables: Executable.Variables): CacheKey? {
    return (field.resolveArgument("id", variables) as? String)?.let { CacheKey(it) }


Apollo Android 2.x generates GraphQL enums as Kotlin enums by default with an option to generate them as sealed classes to get access to the raw name of the enum.

Apollo Android 3.x drops the Kotlin enums to always generate sealed classes. In addition, Apollo Android 3.x uses the same case for enum names as their GraphQL definition instead of making them uppercase always. This allows to have different enums with different case, which is valid in GraphQL.

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